
Sunday, September 9, 2012

A labor (day) of love

On labor day Meagan and I like the rest of the country celebrated the fact that we labor by not laboring (which makes so much sense). We took our seasonal trip to bridal veil falls in Provo canyon. This completed our first year of going up during every season (if you read Meagan's blog before you have probably seen the pictures). We were gone all summer so we had to do our summer trip at the very end of summer, and Utah's colors started changing early so we had to hurry before they look completely like the fall trips. This excursion was made a little more difficult because of the holiday. The park and falls were packed with picnicking and wading families, so getting pictures of just the two happy us was a little more difficult than when the falls were frozen. It was a brilliantly day however and the hike up to the falls was really enjoyable. Here are the pictures:

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