
Friday, July 5, 2013

My $3 Grocery Bill

I love getting good deals.  Whatever it is, if I can save money on it, I'm happy.  I get an un-normal amount of excitement when I look at my receipt and see how much money I have saved.

One of the things I love saving the most on is groceries.  I have competitions with myself each week to see how much money I can save, how long I can make our budget last and how many groceries I can get with our budget.  I am always like a kid on Christmas when the weekly ads for the grocery stores come in the mail (weird, I know).  But I get such a kick looking at the ads and figuring out what is a good deal and what is not as well as figuring out what we need to get at the store that week.  Rarely do I buy groceries that are not on sale.  Normally I only pay full price for groceries at Sam's Club but because they are a warehouse store, buying items in bulk there ends up saving us a lot of money in the long run.

Within the last few months I have discovered this wonderful app called SnipSnap.  It is a digital coupon app that has lots of great coupons from tons of different stores.  I use it mainly for Kroger coupons because our closest grocery store, Smith's, carries Kroger coupons.  Smith's also has e-coupons that you can load directly onto your customer card.  They always have really good coupons and every Friday they offer a coupon for a free item.

To show you how awesome these digital and e-coupons are, here is a summary of my last trip to Smith's.

Rice Chex: On sale for $2.19
Total: $2.19

1 Glaceau Sparkling Fruit Water: on sale for $1
-0.50 e-coupon loaded on my card
Total: $0.50

1 Kroger Sour Cream: on sale for $1
-$0.40 Kroger Sour Cream SnipSnap coupon
Total: $0.60

1 jar Tostidos salsa: regular price $3.00
-free jar of Tostidos salsa e-coupon loaded on my card
Total: $0.00

Regular box of Wheat Thins: regular price $2.00
-free regular box of Wheat Thins SnipSnap coupon
Total: $0.00

Kroger Honey Ham Lunchmeat Tub: regular price $2.79
-free Kroger lunchmeat tub SnipSnap coupon
Total: $0.00

1 flat of Kroger Water: on sale for $2.50
-free Kroger water SnipSnap coupon
Total: $0.00

Kellog's Special K Cinnamon Pecan cereal: regular price $3.39
-free Kellog's Special K cereal SnipSnap coupon
Total: $0.00

Fruity Pebbles family size cereal: regular price $3.19
-free Fruity Pebbles cereal SnipSnap coupon
Total: $0.00

Hot Fudge Sundae Pop Tarts: regular price $1.99
-free Pop Tarts SnipSnap coupon
Total: $0.00

Duncan Hine's Red Velvet Cake Mix: regular price $1.79
-free Duncan Hine's cake mix SnipSnap coupon
Total: $0.00

Kroger Premium Tropical Smoothie Frozen Fruit Mix: regular price $3.49
-free Kroger Frozen Fruit 
Total: $0.00

Windex: regular price $2.99
-free Windex SnipSnap coupon
Total: $0.00

Dawn Handcare dish soap: regular price $2.94
-free Dawn dish soap SnipSnap coupon
Total: $0.00

Total Grocery Bill: $3.41
Total Grocery Value: $31.45
Total Savings: $28.04

Not bad right? Now, this isn't a normal shopping trip for me.  I had a lot of coupons that would be expiring in the next few weeks when Ben and I would be on vacation so I wanted to use them before we left.  Normally I spend between $5 and $8 at Smith's per week for 2 or 3 visits every month and get groceries valued between $10 and $20.  

Also, another tip: make sure to read your receipt! There have been times when my coupons have not worked or didn't go through so I got over charged or I did not want the item without using a coupon.  So normally my trips to Smith's also include a trip to the customer service desk where they are very nice about taking back groceries I do not want or trying to re-scan my coupons.  I have found that the check-out people can be quite rude and impatient and I do not like dealing with them so I check out as quickly as I can and then go to the customer service desk where they straighten things out.  This trip, for example, I ended up with a jar of Ragu sauce when I did not want it because of my coupon not working and the cashier had double charged me for the lunchmeat.  I took my receipt and told them I did not want the Ragu and that I got over charged.  They happily, and easily, took back my return and put $4.61 back onto my debit card without any trouble.  


  1. This is so awesome, Meagan! I need to take lessons from you!

  2. Wow Meagan! You remind me of the ladies on Extreme Cuponing on TLC--except you buy food a person should actually eat :) You are a great homemaker!

  3. I have to agree with Holly and Amy. You are incredible! I am going have to learn from you!
