
Friday, September 1, 2017

Week 33 Update

I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is flying by! Yet, I am starting to get very impatient... I only have one more every-other-week appointment before I start going in every week!

At my most recent appointment, everything was going well! My blood pressure is doing great and has been nice and low throughout my last few appointments. At my last appointment I was measuring big, but at my appointment yesterday I was back on track with my measurements. I'm also doing really well with my weight gain.

This last week I started having Braxton Hicks Contractions over a few days. And I had the worst week and a half of sleep to date! Lots of waking up between 2 and 3 am and staying wide awake until about 5 when I would kind of fall back asleep until around 7 or 8.

How far along? 33 weeks 
Size of baby? The food still doesn't make sense. This week she is as big as celery, a honeydew melon, a pineapple or a cauliflower blossom. Again, these all seem to be different sizes to me. But based on the averages from my apps, she is about 18 inches and 4.5 lbs. 
Maternity clothes? Still rocking the baggy t-shirts and exercise capris and shorts while I'm around the house. When I go out into the public, I wear one of the dresses I mentioned in my last update, a maxi skirt or I just started wearing some maternity jeggings I got when I first found out I was pregnant. They are sooo comfy! I'm hoping that the weather cools down a lot in the next week or so so I can keep wearing them.  
Stretch marks? I did finally get one on my stomach. It just appeared one day. 
Exercise? I'm usually just walking at the Rec Center nowadays. My friend Mary is having her baby any day so I've been flying solo with my exercise.   
Sleep? Ugg, I only had one night of GOOD sleep since my last update. And I'm pretty sure it was because I had gone so long without good sleep and that I took a Benadryl for my allergies.
Movement? She's a kicker! She is also starting to dig her hands and feet into my sides that is sometimes painful. But she is also moving in ways that tickle me too. It is so crazy how strong she is and how you can really see her move!
Food cravings? Still lots of milk and smaller meals/snacks throughout the morning and into the early afternoon with not very much for dinner. 
Food aversions? Not really. My heartburn has been acting up a lot this last week which was contributing to my lack of sleep I think. 
Milestones? Ben felt Baby move for the first time (Aug. 17th!) Final trip before baby comes (to Bryce Canyon) Braxton Hicks contractions have started

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